Star Wars Galactic Defense Wiki
Zam Wesell
Biographical Information
Homeworld Zolan
Birth Unknown
Death 22 BBY
Physical Description
Species Clawdite
Gender Female (sometimes)
Height 1.68 (variable)
Weight 55 kg
Hair Colour blond or reddish-bronze (human form)
Eye Colour Unknown (Yellowish)
Skin Colour Grey (Sometimes)
Cybernetics None
Chronological Information
Eras Prequel

Rise of the Empire

Affiliation Seperatist

A bounty hunter hired by Jango Fett to kill Naboo Senator Padme Amidala on Coruscant, Zam Wesell was a changling from Zolan.

In-game Description[]

Max Level 60 (10 Durasteel pods)

Base Stats[]

12% Armor

16% Dodge

0 Shield

0.7 Attack Speed

Critical Hit Chance 17%

Critical Hit Multiplier 1%

HP Regeneration Rate 2%

Skill Regeneration Rate 100%

Movement Speed 135
